Closed Mould Composite Manufacturing Processes

In recent decades, many industries have increasingly adopted fiber-reinforced composites. These materials are preferred by various industries because of their high strength and lightweight, corrosion resistance, and design flexibility. How these composites are manufactured plays an important role in getting the desired shape and properties. The selection of the manufacturing process largely depends on the materials, the part design, and the end-use or application. The manufacturing process of composites can be divided into two broad categories- Open Mould Processes- These involve creating composite parts in an open mould, allowing for easy access to the mould and direct application of composite materials. This manufacturing process is usually used for production parts that have lower tooling costs, need faster production times, and are simple in design. The most common processes are Wet Hand Lay-up, Spray Lay-up, Filament Winding, and Automated Tape Placement. Closed Moul...